Technologies:  React, Redux, Redux Thunk, React Router, Jest, Material UI, Adobe XD
Features: Sign-In, API Integration,  Auth, SOC Feature Architecture, TDD, Access Control, Functional Programming.
See ChangeLog in the Admin-UI GitHub repo for a comprehensive description of code organization,  methodology, and execution of technologies.
This React web application is designed as an administrative dashboard to manage active and inactive employee data. After login in, it is able to list all employees, add new employee, update settings of an employee, deactivate an employee, show employee details, and show employee details.

Data is store in Redux State with default data in place for first run. Creative architecture uses separation of concerns for feature organization. Access control makes only explicit exports public. All actions written as action creators and separated by view and server. Test written in Jest for each feature. Protected routes in React Router with authorization. Presentational and container components refactored into one file for better readability and reusability.

Technologies:  React, Redux, Redux Thunk, React Router, Jest, Material UI, Adobe XD
Features: API Integration, Sign-in, Auth, SOC Feature Architecture, TDD, Access Control, Functional Programming.
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